
In class Mon April 29th

Logo Project

Hartwick Artschool logo

(Leadership, Education, and Assistance for Disabilities)

- looking to create their own original logo

the clients will be here this week to discuss what they want.

Campus Theme Logo

Hartwick College students, staff, and faculty, are invited to submit original designs for a logo for the 2013-2014 Campus Theme: Exploration.

Members of the Campus Theme Committee will select the winning design from all logos submitted by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 3.

The winning designer will receive a Nook HD tablet. In addition, the winning logo will be featured prominently in a variety of places throughout the coming year. The logo will appear on the Hartwick website, on posters and flyers, and in email announcements relating to the theme.


1) Keep it simple. The logo will often be displayed at one and a half inches in height or smaller. Design your logo so it will still have visual impact at a small size. Don’t use too many colors or overlays.

2) Your design must incorporate the following text in some form:

                                Hartwick College
                                2013-2014 Campus Theme

3) Files must be submitted electronically and have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. The minimum printed height for your design should be 6 inches. 
4) PDF, JPEG, and TIF file formats are preferred. RGB color formatting is acceptable. 
5) All photos, illustrations, images, and text in logo designs must be original, or in the public domain. If you use materials that are not of your own design, you must be able to prove upon request that they are in the public domain. Designs using copyrighted materials will be disqualified. 
6) No more than two entries per person. 
DEADLINE: Send your design to morsed@hartwick.edu by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 3. Submissions received after the deadline may not be eligible for the prize. 
More information on the Exploration theme is available here.

If you have any questions about the logo contest, please emailcampustheme@hartwick.edu.

Otsego County Chamber of Commerce

They would like to stay with the blue and yellow colors.

Other feedback I received from the Chamber:

  •  AIM -Advocacy, Influence, Membership- is used to describe the Chamber. If this can be incorporated somehow.
  • The Chamber is looking for a simple logo that incorporates  arrows for direction/moving in the same direction
  • The mission - To continually improve the overall business climate in the region; To strive for an atmosphere which attracts investment; to build a positive, forward-thinking business community; and to partner with government, groups, individuals and institutions.
  • Students can also visit the website at www.otsegocountychamber.com

Logo Presentations
1:50-4:55pm wed 5/15
Final 12-3pm mon 5/20

Steps in the Graphic Design Process:
  • Analyze the audience.
  • Determine the purpose of your message.
  • Decide where and how your message will appear (whether it will be a printed publication, presentation, or web site).
  • Establish goals.
  • Organize text and graphics.
  • Choose an appropriate format and layout.
  • Select appropriate typefaces, type sizes, type styles, and spacing.
  • Add and manipulate graphics.
  • Organize text and graphics.
  • Proofread
  • Refine and fine-tune.

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