
In Class Thu Feb 28th

Project 1 due today
* Saving the project for Joe, yourself and Flickr
+ you should save the .psd file for your personal archive
+ for Joe save a jpeg, full quality , standard
+ for Flickr save as a jpeg, 6 quality, progressive

- upload your images to Flickr
- send your images to the class Flickr group ART216

- i also need a copy of your images on my computer


-- Blur / Sharpen / Smudge
-- Dodge / Burn / Sponge
-- Clone Stamp / Pattern Stamp
-- Healing Brush / Patch Tool

Project 2 Assigned

your custom design on M&M's
are there more places on the internet to create your own custom items?


In Class Tue Feb 26th

Join our Flickr Group, Art216

Photoshop Tools
-- Show us your tools [round 2]

Work on Project
Due Thur 28th


In Class Thur Feb 21st

Join our Flickr Group, Art216
- join the group
- how to add a picture to the group

Photoshop Basics

-- Image size / Canvas size
-- Zoom / Hand tools
- Foreground & Background Color
--- Photoshop the great Color translator
-- eyedroper
-- Taking notes (text and audio)
-- Views in Photoshop

Show us your Tools!

lets see some examples Worth1000.com


In Class Tue Feb 19th


Lets look at Project 1
* i'm looking for creative uses of the images with a consideration of context. ask yourself why you chose to do what you did. how do the symbols you chose relate to each other, the main image and to American culture?

Intro to Photoshop 7
-Photoshop Overview
Open / Browser / Save
History / Undo function
* Digital Image Resolution
* File Types
Image size / Canvas size
Zoom / Hand tools

What not to touch! (for now)

Teach us the tools! (we learn from each other)
- i will be assigning everyone a few photoshop tools
- you need to learn each tool assigned and then teach the class how to use these tools


In Class Thu Feb 14th

PAul RAnd

Intro to Photoshop 7
-Photoshop Overview
Setting up your work area
Open / Browser / Save
History / Undo function


In Class Tue Feb 12th

Hello and Welcome to the Digital Art & Design 2, Digital Print Media. You are currently looking at the blog for the class. This blog will contain all the information you need for this class including up-to-date information on what will be happening in class, project specifics, examples and the syllabus..

take a moment to click around and check things out.

Here is our first example of digital print media as subversive street art.



